The Baby Bundle is a must have pattern if you have a baby. It starts off with a fantastic bag that is large enough to fit absolutely everything you need. There are pockets on the inside as well as the outside to keep things sorted and easy access when you need to find them again. The trolley seats tucks nicely in the large pocket on one side of the bag. Upon hitting the shops, with Bub in one arm, you can whip out the trolley seat with the other hand and Velcro it on. The strap wraps through the bars on the seat, around the baby and back through the bars again before sticking in place with a large strip of Velcro. So your little one is happy sitting up at your level out of harms way from falling out and not to mention the germs on the handle bar of the trolley. Win Win for you both. It is an option to use a laminated fabric on the reverse side of the trolley seat to be used as a change mat when you’re out and about. This also makes a great lining in the bag, easy to wipe out those spills. Then with the little bit of fabric left over you can turn a very handy hand towel into a matching set.