The Hannah Handbag is a bag thatās just perfect for when you are stepping out. Itās large enough to carry your purse, phone, keys & lipstick for example but not too big to be too heavy to carry around. The wide opening at the top makes it easy to find things as well as the two concealed pockets with zippers on the inside make it easy to hide things. The piping around the edges define the boxy shape with the contrasting sides. The strap is held on with two little D rings & swivel clasps just to be a little bit fancy along with the four little metal feet. The flap folds over and is secured with a magnetic clip. Foam is used to line the outer fabric to give the bag a nice soft finish on the outside which is great for quilting. Template plastic is used on the inside to hold the shape of the bag. Both complimenting each other nicely.